Director of Aquatics: Ryan Kennedy
Entry Policy:
A valid Ursinus College ID is required to use the pool. Upon entry, patrons must present ID to the lifeguard on duty.
Attendance Policy:
Pool is reserved for Ursinus College Faculty, Staff & Students. Spouses may also use the facility. Children (under 18) of Ursinus faculty, staff and students may use the pool only if accompanied in the water and actively engaged with their parent(s).
William Elliot Pool COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Open Swim
Masks: Per Ursinus College policy, masks must be worn indoors at all times, besides when in the pool.
Equipment: There will be no borrowing Ursinus College equipment. Please bring your own if you wish to use any equipment.
Lifeguard: Please only engage the lifeguard if needed and maintain 6-feet distance throughout the duration of the conversation.
Thank everyone for their patience and understanding during this time. We are happy to announce we will be running a full lesson program this spring and summer for the community. Any procedural changes will be announce via email to all participants. Below you will find the link to our Eventbrite registration page. Please refer to the ‘Description’ section of the front page for information on dates, times, policies, and all information. If you have specific questions, please email Please refrain from using Ryan Kennedy’s office phone as he is often not in his office.
Each lesson will be 45-50 minutes in duration and cost $165 per child
Registration will begin Wednesday March 2 at 10:00 online only
Please check this page for any additional updates